Michigan Motorcycle Insurance: Michigan Passes No Helmet Law
Whether you have a Shoei, Bell, or a HJC, for the state of Michigan, it may not matter as much for motorcyclists. A new state law signed by Gov. Rick Snyder (R) repealing a 35-year-old safety requirement to wear a helmet.
Michigan is the 31st state to provide that option for motorcyclists, but with strings attached. Whoever rides without a helmet must be 21 and have passed a motorcycle safety course within the past two years. Additionally, riders must invest in their Michigan motorcycle insurance and carry at least an additional $20,000 in medical insurance.
Based on views of individual liberty, Gov. Snyder stated “While many motorcyclists will continue to wear helmets, those who choose not to deserve the latitude to make their own informed judgment.”
In early March 2012, a study by conducted by the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute found that had the Michigan law been repealed in 2009, the average cost per crash would have increased 48% percent ($213,770 to $317,031) per each incident.
What’s more, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration developed a study in 2008 displaying the negative effects of not wearing a helmet. The study concluded that motorcyclists who did not use helmets were 3 times more likely to suffer a traumatic brain injury than those wearing helmets.
Although the Motorcycle Safety Foundation suggests wearing a Department of Transportation approved helmet as well as over-the-ankle footwear, long pants, a long-sleeved jacket and full-fingered motorcycle gloves, the rider has his choice to ride with or without a helmet.
For more information about helmet safety, check out What You Should Know About Motorcycle Helmets from the Motorcycle Safety Foundation
As specialists in Michigan motorcycle insurance, we can get you everything you need. Call or email us, or get your free analysis of your coverage by filling out the convenient form above, and we can get you started on the road to a motorcycle insurance policy that meets both your needs and your budget. Contact us today. (888) 296-0418